Vitocal 250-A Pro
Large Air/Water Heat Pump
Viessmann Climate Solutions SEThe Vitocal 250 - A Pro is an air-water heat pump, enabling both heating and cooling of larger residential and commercial buildings and businesses with green electricity. The compact, straight lined design aims to blend into the architectural environment. Following Viessmann's award-winning residential heat pump design, it sets a new aesthetic benchmark in the product category of large heat pumps. By using a natural refrigerant, this heat pump reduces its environmental footprint compared to models that use synthetic refrigerants
iF Gold Statement
Heat pumps are a key technology in the transition to sustainable construction. The Vitocal 250-A Pro system by Viessmann is designed to deliver both heating and cooling of larger residential and commercial buildings with green electricity. Despite having an architectural quality, it is not overdesigned. A worthy winner!
Client / Manufacturer

Viessmann Climate Solutions SE
Allendorf (Eder), DE
Viessmann Climate Solution Berlin
Berlin, DESimon Bredt, Felix Klingmüller, Lars DinterDate of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Trade / Industry, "Performance Contractors, Prope"