Door handle
Pilipili N. V.Two is a safety door handle designed by the Belgian design studio Pilipili for use in nursing homes. It requires an exact combination of two actions to operate it; a 'hidden' button, which is incorporated in the design, must first be pressed before the handle itself can be pushed down. Because dementia patients are unlikely to understand the double action needed to open the door, it prevents those who exhibit erratic behavior from entering or leaving a particular room. It thus reduces the task of the care staff. 'Two' can be transformed into a normal working latch without the double action, simply by pushing a peg in the internal mechanism before installation.
iF Gold Statement
This double-action door handle impresses through its discrete and overall sense of simplicity, quality and finish for people with dementia. It has just the right degree of resistance and security without slowing carers and other users who do not want to be inconvenienced with locks or bolts. Well thought-out with a focus on positive gentle care without stigma for the target user.
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumer / User, Other target groups: Two is a door handle for use in environments where people with dementia reside.