So-edinenie guide
So-edinenie guide
So-edinenie guide
So-edinenie guide


So-edinenie guide

Adapting websites for a deaf-blind community

Art. Lebedev Studio helped So-edinenie, a foundation supporting the deaf-blind, to create a guide on how to help people with hearing and vision problems to find their way around websites. We have conducted a number of studies on this community, and have developed a set of guidelines designed to optimize inclusiveness for this audience. In the world today, there are officially over 285 million people who, due to vision problems, often find it challenging to access information on sites that were not created with them in mind. Unfortunately, only a small number of companies take this into account when building their sites.


On behalf of everyone at Art. Lebedev Studio, we would like to thank the jury and organizers for choosing our project on adapting websites for people with visual impairments as the winner. We hope to see an increasing number of companies taking a more inclusive approach to their sites, and this award is sure to help shine a light on the issue.

Client / Manufacturer

So-Edinenie Charitable Foundation

Moscow, RU
Art. Lebedev Studio

Art. Lebedev Studio

Moscow, RU