Pass our heart forward with JVA SANS
Original typeface for Japan Volleyball Association
Japan Volleyball Association
The Japan Volleyball Association oversees all volleyball activities in Japan, including its national teams. Despite competing on the world stage at the Olympics, the sport has declined in status and morale in Japan. We were tasked with giving the JVA a new attitude. We broke with the sport’s conservative past and reformed the JVA as a modern, revitalized brand through an original typeface that consistently conveys its message, business, services, and activities. The typeface has played a major role in promoting the JVA as a brand that “grows the power of bonds,” and as an ambassador for the sport that contributes to a better society.
Client / ManufacturerDesign
Japan Volleyball Association
Tokyo, JP
Interbrand Japan
Tokyo, JPYuki Muramatsu, Masakazu Okura, Kazuo Suguro, Yoko Hagiwara, Keiko Ueda, Seppo Kurki, Akiko Oshida, William Van Skaik, Kenta NakamuraTypographis
Tokyo, JPKOKINDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
"Sports fans, Players, and Investors. Broadcasting and sponsorships"