Geberit Urinal Preda
Urinal with flush control
Geberit International AGThe rimfree Geberit Urinal Preda with integrated control is not only esthetic but convincing with intelligent functionality. The spray head has been designed to fit the ingenious interior geometry of the ceramic pan. Just 0.5 liters of water are enough to ensure an optimal flushing out. The control unit is located in a practical docking station below the urinal ceramic and can easily be removed in its entirety for maintenance. All functional components are easily accessible without having to remove the urinal ceramic, thus minimizing the maintenance effort. Main benefit: there is no downtime of availability like with conventional urinals.
Date of Launch
Development Time
25 - 36 months
Target Regions
Asia, Europe, "Hauptfokus Europa"
Target Groups
Sanitärinstallteure, Hotels, Büros etc.) und öffentlicher Sektor (Schulen, Bahnhöfe...), "Betreiber von öffentlichen und halböffentlichen WC-Anlagen: Halböffentlicher (Gastronomie"