FAQ YOU – An educational (R)evolution
F/A/Q – The better health group.
With the FAQ YOU book, Youth Against AIDS brought the topic of sexual education into the present. Instead of using cringy charts and moralizing language, we adopted a a safe-sex positive attitude and accessible, non-patronizing language. FAQYOU.com makes all of this even more accessible. Online, mobile first – but still as a safe space. Here, we have even more opportunities to playfully emphasize different facets of our topics and to continually highlight newly relevant ones. In this way, up-to-date sex-education is now accessible to even more people.
iF Gold Statement
This is a creative and powerful design that makes safe sex information fun and playful for those who need it, in an easy-to-access, mobile-first format. Hats off to loved GmbH!
Client / ManufacturerDesign
F/A/Q – The better health group.
Hamburg, DE
loved GmbH
Hamburg, DEAlexander Müsgens, Julian Steiner, Nora Depner, Mieke Haase, Nadine AberDate of Launch
Development Time
up to 24 Month
Target Regions
Target Groups
Consumers / Users, Public Sector / Government