Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals
Celebrating botanicals


Celebrating botanicals

Anniversary key visual

Alfred Galke GmbH

Galke, a global retailer and processor of herbs, spices and other plant-based raw materials, celebrated its 100th anniversary in 2020. To communicate this highlight, we are developing a flexible yet easy-to-identify key visual that can be used effectively and impressively in a wide variety of media.

Client / Manufacturer
Alfred Galke GmbH

Alfred Galke GmbH

Bad Grund / Flecken Gittelde, DE

Monster Motion Motiondesign

Hannover, DE

Barbara Schoberberger

Purgstall, AT
Heine Warnecke Design GmbH

Heine Warnecke Design GmbH

Hannover, DE
Date of Launch
Development Time
up to 12 months
Target Regions
Asia, Australia / Oceania, Europe, North America, South America
Target Groups
Trade / Industry