Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor
Breath Hydrogen Monitor


Breath Hydrogen Monitor

Product Using a hydrogen sensor

Toshiba corporation

The global increase in lifespan is making it essential to increase healthspan. One key to health is to improve intestinal flora. Since healthy intestinal flora produces hydrogen, breath hydrogen testing is attracting much attention. By leveraging its microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, Toshiba has developed an ultra-small hydrogen sensor chip with a size of several millimeters square, which features high sensitivity, low power consumption, and high response speed. The pilot breath hydrogen monitor incorporating this sensor is used to visualize intestinal health and thereby increase healthspan.

iF Gold Statement

The Breath Hydrogen Monitor is a fresh take on a health diagnostic product, packed into a human-friendly form. By using familiar materials and shape, Toshiba has made a clever device that feels comfortable and easily fits into people’s daily routines.
Date of Launch
Development Time
Target Regions
North America, Asia, Europe
Target Groups
Consumers / Users